Banco Chambers excels in Chambers & Partners rankings

This week Chambers & Partners released its guides to the Australian Bar.

Banco Chambers was ranked as a Band 1 set for Dispute Resolution in Australia with commentary describing Banco as “the list you go to: high-quality and responsive.”

On the individual front, 14 silks and 2 junior counsel were featured in the individual Dispute Resolution rankings, while in Competition and Anti-Trust Law 5 Banco silks were also featured. Banco’s depth in Restructuring and Insolvency was also highlighted with 4 Banco silks ranked in that area.

There was further recognition Kristen Deards SC as a Band 1 tax silk and for Tim Breakspear SC as a band 2 construction and infrastructure silk, as well as featuring in the international arbitration guide.

The full list of Banco rankings is as follows:

  • Farid Assaf SC – Band 4 in Dispute Resolution – “Farid’s written work in the area is exceptional in terms of books and journal articles. He is a leading practitioner.”
  • Nick Bender SC – New Silk in Dispute Resolution – “He is very quick on the uptake, very smart and good on the law. He has good technical skills and is a capable advocate.”
  • Tim Breakspear SC – Band 2 in Construction & Infrastructure – “Tim Breakspear for construction and infrastructure work has already made a name for himself. He is one of the best barristers in that specialisation at the Sydney Bar.”
  • Peter Brereton SC – Band 1 in Dispute Resolution; Band 2 in Competition – “Peter Brereton is one of the best at the Sydney Bar in complex competition and consumer cases. He is understated but with very effective advocacy, and is very client-friendly and easy to work with.”
  • Kristen Deards SC – Band 1 in Tax
  • Robert Dick SC – Band 2 in Dispute Resolution – “Robert Dick is amazing. He is affordable, approachable and gives you his time.”
  • Justin Gleeson SC – Star Individual in Dispute Resolution – “When Justin is briefed on matters he brings a lot of energy and dynamism to the case and lots of good ideas. He will always come at things in a way that adds a lot to the case.”
  • Sebastian Hartford Davis – Band 3 in Dispute Resolution – “Sebastian is fantastic. Very clever, hard-working, highly strategic and a great sense of humour in the trenches.”
  • Ruth Higgins SC – Band 1 in Dispute Resolution; Band 1 in Competition; Band 2 in Restructuring and Insolvency – “Ruth Higgins is very much top-league at the moment
  • Richard McHugh – Band 2 in Dispute Resolution – “Richard McHugh has a clear idea of how to run a case and a very good style. He is a great presenter in court and simple in the way he approaches cases, making cases attractive to judges.”
  • Kate Lindeman – Band 2 in Dispute Resolution
  • Cameron Moore SC – Band 1 in Competition; Band 3 in Dispute Resolution – ‘”He is amazing and our go-to for complex competition cases.'”
  • Jonathon Redwood SC – Band 4 in Dispute Resolution
  • Declan Roche SC – New Silk, Competition – “Declan has a great intellect and range in the matters he can turn his hand to. He has a very calm and pragmatic approach to working through problems and is very hard-working.”
  • Fiona Roughley SC – New Silk in Dispute Resolution – “Fiona Roughley is client-friendly, very accessible and a pleasure to work with. Always thoroughly prepared, she works extremely hard and has a lot of intellectual horsepower.”
  • John Sheahan KC – Star Individual in Dispute Resolution; Band 1 in Restructuring and Insolvency – “John Sheahan is very experienced, very good at managing clients to focus on the right things to win the case. He is very sought after and deservedly so.”
  • David Sulan SC – Band 4 in Dispute Resolution; Band 2 in Restructuring and Insolvency – “David has a very calm, understated and effective approach. His judgement on strategic matters is insightful, courageous and impressive.”
  • Vanessa Whittaker SC – Band 2 in Restructuring and Insolvency – “Vanessa is fantastic, a great and genuine player and expert.”
  • Christopher Withers SC – Band 4 in Dispute Resolution – “He is thorough, detail-focused, hard-working and easy to work with.”
  • Robert Yezerski SC – New Silk, Competition; New Silk, Dispute Resolution – “Rob is a rock star. He is whip-smart and very thoughtful, commercial in approach and very accessible for such a busy counsel.”