Ben has appeared as counsel in many cases across diverse areas of law. He has particular expertise in commercial law (including contract, equity and restitution), trade practices, intellectual property, construction and science and technology.
He is regularly briefed to appear and advise in appellate, arbitral and transnational cases.
He is frequently sought after to provide thorough but practical advice on difficult and complex questions of law that call upon his extensive academic credentials in law (in which he holds a doctorate in law from Oxford) and science. Ben’s strong science background includes computer programming and research chemistry. He has also published legal articles that have been cited at multiple levels, including the High Court, and in academia. He appears unled in the Federal Court and Supreme Court and also with leading silks in large scale or high value litigation.
Prior to coming to the bar, Ben was the Associate to Justice Gummow of the High Court of Australia and was a senior associate at Freehills (now Herbert Smith Freehills).
Recommended Intellectual Property Junior Counsel
Recommended Technology, Media & Telecommunications Junior Counsel
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