Naomi Oreb practises nationally, undertaking trial and appellate work in various State and federal Courts. She appears in commercial law, regulatory and common law matters. She is often briefed to appear unled in final hearings and on contested motions, and as junior counsel in larger and more complex matters.
Before being called to the Bar, Naomi completed the BCL (the equivalent of a law masters) at Oxford University and was awarded the Vinerian Scholarship for top of her year. She also holds a BA (Hons) and LLB (Hons) from the University of Sydney. She was formerly an associate to the Hon Chief Justice Kiefel AC at the High Court of Australia, and a solicitor at King & Wood Mallesons.
Naomi is a Councillor of the NSW Bar Association, serves on a professional conduct committee, and is Assistant Editor of the New South Wales Law Reports.
Tier 3 Leading Junior in Commercial Disputes
Leading/Recommended Commercial Litigation and Dispute Resolution Junior Counsel
Recommended Commercial Litigation and Dispute Resolution Junior Counsel
Leading Class Actions Junior Counsel
Recommended Indemnity Insurance Junior Counsel
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.